Wednesday Morning Meditation Group
Deepen Your Practice
Wednesday Morning Meditation Group
If you have a meditation practice and would like to sit regularly with a group of practitioners, please consider joining us every Wednesday morning at the Meaningful Life Center. We sit in silence for a period of 45 minutes, beginning at 10 am.
We welcome all participants, whether you are accustomed to meditating by yourself at home or you sit with another group. Our purpose is simply to offer the opportunity to meditate regularly with an informal group. Many people find that sitting with others offers a strong support for their practice.
We began meeting in 2016 as the Friday Morning Meditation Group. The participants come from a variety of spiritual traditions and follow their own individual practices during the session. There are no formal instructions or requirements for participating. There is time afterwards for discussion if anyone would like to offer their thoughts or ask a question.
There are plenty of comfortable chairs at the Center, but if you prefer sitting on a cushion please feel free to bring your own.
We welcome your participation. If you have any questions about this group or our meetings, please send an email to meditation(at)meaningfullifecenter.org
Workshop Leader: Barbara Roberts
Barbara Roberts has studied and practiced with various teachers in the Buddhist and nondual traditions over the past 30 years.
Interested? Register below
Format: New participants welcome at any meeting
Times: Wednesdays – 10:00 to 11:00 am
Dates: On-going Program
Location: Meaningful Life Center, 116 Carr St., Knoxville, TN 31919
To register or for more information:
Please complete the form and select the Workshop(s) you are interested in.
When completing the form please use the message space to indicate if you are registering or seeking more information so that we can best serve your needs.
Someone will be in contact with you shortly. Thank you for your interest!