Leonardo Da Vinci
Artist • Engineer • Visionary

“The thing given to me by the universe is the chance to question it, and that is my divine duty.” Leonardo da Vinci

Join us as we present the Ken Burns documentary “Inside the mind of a genius – Leonardo da Vinci” followed by a discussion of the life, work and influence of one of history’s most creative minds. Over four evenings we’ll watch a portion of the recent Ken Burns documentary which tells the story of one of humankind’s most curious and innovative minds followed by a discussion.

Revered as one of the greatest painters in Western Art, for his technological ingenuity, and his unbridled curiosity and study of the natural world, Leonardo serves as a inspiration to this day. He is the model of the “renaissance man”, skilled in multiple areas with an unquenchable desire to investigate and learn. As he says of painting – “A good painter must depict two things, namely a person, and the intentions of their mind. The first is easy. The second, difficult.” Leonardo sought not only to learn how the outer world functions but also the how the inner world is portrayed into the outer world.

This program is offered in person at The Meaningful Life Center.

4 Wednesday evenings
beginning April 2nd
6:30 to 8:30pm

To register or for more information:

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