< 2019 >
  • 26

    10:00am-11:30am - Meditation for Experienced Practitioners

    10:00 AM-11:30 AM

    Deepen Your Practice

    Meditation is a practice that helps us delve deeply into our minds and hearts to cultivate compassion for all beings and broaden our awareness of how we create suffering for ourselves and others. Through meditation we develop our capacity for mindfulness in daily life and experience a greater acceptance of the change and uncertainty that every life brings.

    It’s common in meditation groups to sit for about 30 to 45 minutes, but practitioners often find that sitting for longer periods can help bring greater steadiness of mind and deeper insights. This group is designed for those who have some experience of meditation and are interested in extending the length of time they spend in sitting practice. The initial meditation sessions are planned for 60 minutes. Our experience and participants’ input over the first eight-week course will determine whether we wish to change that and whether we wish to add a short discussion time at the end of each meeting.

    Workshop Leaders: Barbara Roberts and Colleen Vaughn

  • 27

    9:00am-Noon - Introduction to The Quest for Meaning - July 27

    9:00 AM-12:00 PM

    Introductory Sessions for the
    Quest for Meaning – searching for purpose, meaning, and a sense of wholeness within.

    If in your journey along life’s way, a gentle longing, a vague uneasiness beckons you to search for something more

    If you have achieved some success in life, but aren’t sure what comes next

    If you sometimes ask yourself: “What is the meaning of my life anyway?”

    If a recent failure or loss has led to questions about where your life is headed
    If you would like to explore the possibilities that lie beyond the normal, everyday activities that take up so much of life’s energy

    … Then join us in this Quest.

    Using stories, poetry, literature, and the world’s wisdom traditions, we will consider the various ways one can choose to invest one’s life energy, exploring the journey every man and every woman can make in pursuit of a feeling of wholeness, of meaning, of purpose.

    Workshop Leader Chris Austin

To register or for more information:
Please complete the form below and select the Workshop(s) you are interested in.

In the message section please indicate whether you are registering or seeking more information.
Someone will be in contact with you shortly. Thank you for your interest!

For "Show Me the Way" please choose online or in person and in the comment/question area indicate which biography you are interested in discussing. A list of each month's selection is on the programs description page.