< 2018 >
August 7
  • 07

    6:30-8:00pm - Exploring Spacious Awareness

    6:30 PM-8:00 PM

    Exploring Spacious Awareness

    Depending on your philosophical orientation, Spacious Awareness might also be called spirit, True Self, consciousness, soul, awake awareness, Christ Consciousness, Buddha Nature, etc. (The direct recognition in and as ourselves is more significant than the name we give it.) This series will explore the territory which lies beyond our conceptualizing mind. The focus will be experiential and non-denominational; it will not be philosophical or dogmatic. It will include extemporaneous talks, guided meditation and inquiry. Spacious Awareness will be revealed as being already present, complete and whole – only patiently awaiting our recognition of it.

    Workshop Leader: Don Oakley

To register or for more information:
Please complete the form below and select the Workshop(s) you are interested in.

In the message section please indicate whether you are registering or seeking more information.
Someone will be in contact with you shortly. Thank you for your interest!

For "Show Me the Way" please choose online or in person and in the comment/question area indicate which biography you are interested in discussing. A list of each month's selection is on the programs description page.