< 2018 >
  • 02

    9:00am-10:00am - Centering Prayer

    9:00 AM-10:00 AM

    Learn about, explore, and practice this ancient method

    Learn about, explore, and practice this ancient method of leaving aside external concerns, discontinuing the incessant internal dialogue, and signaling our alert receptivity to the Divine Presence already dwelling within.

    From the Great Silence of the Hebrew scripture to the Prayer in Secret of the Sermon on the Mount to the union with the Divine Indwelling of the 4th-century Desert Fathers and Mothers, some form of the contemplative practice we now call Centering Prayer has been with us. Join us as we learn to use this ancient practice to deeper and enrich our spiritual lives.

    Workshop Leader: Edward Groody

To register or for more information:
Please complete the form below and select the Workshop(s) you are interested in.

In the message section please indicate whether you are registering or seeking more information.
Someone will be in contact with you shortly. Thank you for your interest!

For "Show Me the Way" please choose online or in person and in the comment/question area indicate which biography you are interested in discussing. A list of each month's selection is on the programs description page.