< 2018 >
  • 07

    6:30-8:00pm The Witness and The Wisdom Journey Within

    6:30 PM-8:00 PM


    A three week journey that will explore the movement from focusing on the outer world toward a greater awareness of the deep and wise spaces within.  There you will find and get to know the Witness, the connection to the ground of being.  Getting in touch with this inner wisdom will provide a sound basis from which to answer the question, ‘How Then Shall I Live?

    Workshop Leader: Jerry Burgess

  • 07

    6:30 to 8:30pm Sacred Singing

    8:30 PM

    Sacred Singing 6:30pm to 8:30pm

    Everyone can sing, and it is incredibly valuable – whether you think you can sing or not. Come find out why singing will help you experience a much fuller and richer life.

    This workshop is for anyone who wishes to explore how singing, and especially how singing and chanting the songs from many traditions – from ancient to modern – can enrich one’s experience of life.

    The workshop explores the ways that singing and chant have been used through the ages to create a full and rich life – to open the heart and expand us into the deeper places that singing has been used to carry human beings for thousands of years.

    This workshop has few lectures. It is just about singing, chanting, and toning with others. Participants do not need any prior training or even experience singing with a group. In fact, if you have felt uncomfortable in the past trying to sing around other people, this is your chance to overcome that concern, to let go and enjoy using your voice, to begin to find your voice and connect with yourself and others through song and chant.

  • 21

    6:30-8:00pm The Witness and The Wisdom Journey Within

    6:30 PM-8:00 PM


    A three week journey that will explore the movement from focusing on the outer world toward a greater awareness of the deep and wise spaces within.  There you will find and get to know the Witness, the connection to the ground of being.  Getting in touch with this inner wisdom will provide a sound basis from which to answer the question, ‘How Then Shall I Live?

    Workshop Leader: Jerry Burgess

  • 28

    6:30 to 8:30pm Sacred Singing

    8:30 PM

    Sacred Singing 6:30pm to 8:30pm

    Everyone can sing, and it is incredibly valuable – whether you think you can sing or not. Come find out why singing will help you experience a much fuller and richer life.

    This workshop is for anyone who wishes to explore how singing, and especially how singing and chanting the songs from many traditions – from ancient to modern – can enrich one’s experience of life.

    The workshop explores the ways that singing and chant have been used through the ages to create a full and rich life – to open the heart and expand us into the deeper places that singing has been used to carry human beings for thousands of years.

    This workshop has few lectures. It is just about singing, chanting, and toning with others. Participants do not need any prior training or even experience singing with a group. In fact, if you have felt uncomfortable in the past trying to sing around other people, this is your chance to overcome that concern, to let go and enjoy using your voice, to begin to find your voice and connect with yourself and others through song and chant.

To register or for more information:
Please complete the form below and select the Workshop(s) you are interested in.

In the message section please indicate whether you are registering or seeking more information.
Someone will be in contact with you shortly. Thank you for your interest!

For "Show Me the Way" please choose online or in person and in the comment/question area indicate which biography you are interested in discussing. A list of each month's selection is on the programs description page.